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Which route
will you take?

Research and Writing
Conduct innovative research with our PhD owners and submit journal articles for not only the unbeatable resume but for the skills that will extend to University learning. Learn technical writing, creative fiction, and research fundamentals with a PhD instructor from the #1 literary criticism program according to US NEWS. Such writing expertise is critical for test prep, college applications, and research projects.
Test Preparation
Become a strategic test-taker with our exam experts who have years of experience in SAT, GRE, and AP Exams (Lit, Calculus, and more). Our PhD instructors will provide you with both skills and technical abilities as well as study habits that will continue to help you throughout your undergraduate years. These skills and habits will transcend the exam and make you an efficient lifelong learner.

Call for a free consultation with our academic experts on the best approach for you
When you call other test prep companies, it is essential that you ask the right questions to discern the structure of the business and the quality of the services they offer. Services vary wildly in quality, but that is typically unclear during the onboarding process.
Will you ever get to speak to the owners themselves? Or just a sales person who has never taught in a college classroom or earned a perfect score on a standardized test? It is key that you know who you are talking to. You should always have access to the owners who control the company.
What are the exact credentials of those who will be tutoring your son or daughter? Will their tutor change from week to week? Is your tutor even paid for preparation time? If not, this means they will never prepare for class and are simply showing up and improvising answers which are imprecise.
Will you have access to data that monitors the progress from week to week and month to month? Most tutoring services simply review that week's exam without situating that performance in a larger trajectory of improvement. Lacking long term perspective will always inhibit growth.

We are here to talk any time.
Test prep, college prep, and research is a significant commitment.
There are real stakes & consequences for your future, & you need instructors who understand that.